Personal Assistance Services (PAS)

- We supports the ongoing care and activities of daily living required by an individual.

ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) Eating, bathing/showering, grooming, walking, dressing and undressing, transfers from room to room, and toileting.

IADLs (Instrumental activities of Daily Living) Shopping, meal prep, housekeeping, shaving, mouth care, dressing, eating, transferring between bed/chair/toilet, sitter services, and more.

PAS is also known as Personal Care Services. (PCS)
Nonemergency medical transportation services are available for a Medicaid beneficiary or their child. These services include rides to doctor's office, dentist's office, hospital, drug store or any place that provides covered health care services.
Disclaimer: Children 14 and younger may not travel without a parent or guardian. Children 15 through 17 may travel without a parent, but the parent must provide written permission before the trip is scheduled.
Services - Personal Assitance Services
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